Jumat, 20 April 2012

My New Family "English Corner Elfast 2012"

hai guys...ketemu lagi nih,dah 1bulan lebih loh q g posting...maklumlah, klu udah yang namanya liburan tu pengennya gak mau mikir yang namany kuliah,internet pa lagi ngeblog..tapi ujung2 nya kangen juga :D
Liburan kemarin selama 1 bulan q ada kegiatan guys..q ikut bimbingan kursus di Pare,Kediri,JaTim. Q sih dsana cuma 2 minggu, soalnya bentrok ma kuliah. Yah walaupun singkat banged, tp bikin q g bakal lupain kosan q yang ruame and gokil, of course! (mulai deh inggrisny) ukey guys..want u know about my story in Pare?
this is my story when am in Pare. me and citra (my friend from same city with me and she was my friend in course when we'r in senior high school) go to Pare with our favorit transportation...train(kahuripan train,kwkwkwk....maklumlah,anak kosan) ! we arrived in Kediri Station 11.30 am and we were wait mas wildan to accompany us to boarding house. before that day, tanty has looking for the boarding house for us and we are ready to stay. the price of boarding house for a month is Rp 150rb/people. the capacity of a room is 4people and we are 4 and take this room. you can  reflect an imagine that a room for 4 people, how noise we are? of course..very noise!

 This is Kediri Station
 That station more bad than Balapan Station, and i think so about it and proud, of course..hhehe

the firts time i in Kediri is very surprise,why?becouse the city is very clean ,beatifull, big city, and friendly people. Different with my city, Solo. Solo is dirty enough but both have same weather, hot weather.
The first time we go to course in Elfast make me nervous. yeah,i know my self that my english is bad. But that's not like in my mind..there are all of student very friendly. If u not good in english speaking, u wouldn't lough by them but they would make u undesrtand. I choose "English Corner" in Elfast. Elfast is one off the big course in Pare. Actually, we choose to camp in there, but the camp are full. So we looking for the boarding house near Elfast.
In Pare, i suggest u to borrow bycle. Because if u want in the course, distance between the course and the boarding house/camp is far and every course have some place and that's not near. And the important think is ATM, it so far from "kampung inggris". So u need bycle to accompany u in anywhere.
In there, u don't affraid about the food price. Because there are very cheap food and achieveable and delicious, of course. When lunch and dinner,me and friend often buy some food in "warung wakapo". Maybe there is my faforit shop and the food make me miss the sauce. Iam very like it.

this is tugu and citra lost at there...hahahaa...that's so funny coz we were confuse and we don't know that area.

actually...i have many story but i am very busy...i must go to campus and make work,so am sory coz i m not tell u much experience in there...
this is gumul....the icon of Kediri city...
but i m not take picture in there coz we bring a car and there is no parkir in there.

this is new camp elfast....i was learn in here..but not in there,coz so full students

and now.....this is all about me and friends in English Corner Elfast 2012
the big family 

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